Since 2015, we have created 65 unique PROJECTS:

Full-cycle handmade bas-reliefs for interior and exterior decor, which appeared on the covers of Salon Interior, ELLE Decoration, Architectural Digest magazines.

I assist people through art to open up in the spaces where they live and work



Весь процесс производства абсолютно открытый. Мы с удовольствием отвечаем на все вопросы о материалах и особенностях монтажа — считаем это нашей популяризаторской миссией.


Наши менеджеры хорошо разбираются в продукте и людях, поэтому выстраивают качественное глубокое общение с клиентами. И говорят на одном языке с архитекторами, дизайнерами интерьеров. А еще мы умеем общаться с прорабами. Бесценное преимущество.


Даже если производством занимаемся не наша студия, мы ведем строгий авторский надзор за процессом. На любой из наших объектов действует гарантия 1 год. За это время они пройдут испытание всеми четырьмя сезонами, и если что-то будет не так, мы абсолютно бесплатно и крайне оперативно все исправим.

Core values


The whole production process is completely open. We are happy to answer all questions about materials and installation features — we consider this our popularization mission.


Our managers are well versed in the product and people, so they build high-quality deep communication with customers. And they speak the same language with architects, interior designers. And we also know how to communicate with brigadiers. An invaluable advantage.


Even if it is not our studio that is engaged in production, we conduct strict author's supervision of the process. There is a 1-year warranty on any of our facilities. During this time, they will pass the test of all four seasons, and if something goes wrong, we will fix everything for free and instantly.

Find out how much your unique custom art object will cost

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The collection
Of ART Objects

We have created a special collection: animalistic reliefs, flowers, smooth lines and abstract panels — all this is an ageless classic that meets all the requirements of our customers and is available for order at any time.

A flock of birds

The wingspan varies from 13 to 20 cm, the weight of each bird is 200 g.

405 $

Fighting fish

Size: 88 x 44 cm.

1065 $

A flock of birds

The wingspan varies from 13 to 20 cm, the weight of each bird is 200 g.

405 $

A flock of birds

The wingspan varies from 13 to 20 cm, the weight of each bird is 200 g.

405 $

Fighting fish

Size: 88 x 44 cm.

1065 $

Fighting fish

Size: 88 x 44 cm.

1065 $

Are you looking for a new hobby or do you want to master a creative profession?

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of creativity and create an art object with your own hands in the online academy of modern bas-relief by Leonid Kim.

All materials on this website are copyrighted (including design). It is prohibited to copy, distribute (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder. IP Isakov Vasily Sergeevich / INN: 331302030385 / OGRN: 320332800040187

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