For our partners designers

We are friends with dozens of designers and architects who work in various styles. Unconditional respect, effective communication, a business-oriented approach, the ability to fulfill any request accurately, transparent work processes, and thoughtful logistics help us build strong partnerships. Our collaborative projects have already become highlights in numerous portfolios.

Among our partners, you may already be familiar with architectural bureaus "Bakharev and Partners," architect Polina Pidtsan, and designers Valeria Senkina, Elena Krylova, Anna Muravina, and Tatiana Gorshkova. Join us and become a member of Leonid Kim's Studio Club to enjoy discounts and other privileges. As a member, you can access free downloads of our art-object 3D models to integrate into your designs.

All materials on this website are copyrighted (including design). It is prohibited to copy, distribute (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder. IP Isakov Vasily Sergeevich / INN: 331302030385 / OGRN: 320332800040187

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