I assist people through art to open up in the spaces where they live and work


I founded this studio in 2015 For 9 years we have grown from a tiny, almost boutique format into a large full-fledged company with a full production cycle, with our own academy for sculptors and our own workshop for the production of art objects.

At the end of 2021, we moved to a unique architectural monument in the center of Moscow and are now building a new cluster there for like- minded people from the art business.

At the same time, the studio has always been and remains a project created by an artist with a fundamental academic school. And this means that we are much more than just another team of artisans who know how to copy and style.

We do art. No matter how pathos it sounds. Any of our objects — panels, entrance group, ceiling rosette, facade molding — is an object of art. We create meanings, place aesthetics on the first place and strictly adhere to the high standards of academic sculpture.

With this approach, one simple installation allows us to remain a commercially successful business: the customer is our co-author.

Our philosophy and mission

Modern human is increasingly turning to himself and his sense of self. The question "what exactly do I want?" becomes the key. Therefore, the time of universal win-win solutions, when anyone can create quite a nice interior, but this interior will not differ from millions of others (hello, IKEA), is gradually disappearing (bye, IKEA).

The interior can be anything. Indeed. Because of the fact that people are terribly different. And that's fine.

Decor is not an addition, not an option, not a bonus. These are accents and even dominants of the space.

We are used to the fact that a unique interior is damn expensive. But this is a myth. The charge of individuality is carried not only by the architecture of the space, handmade furniture or frescoes by Italian masters over the fireplace. Already 2-3 elements of thoughtful decor make even the most typical and simple interior special. It's just that this approach is a manifestation of a higher culture of human interaction with space. A more attentive, conscious attitude. The transition from “universally beautiful“ to "subjectively beautiful".

For this transition, courage is needed — freedom and self-confidence of a person. Because it is possible to reveal individuality only when you are aware of it. And we see our mission precisely in helping people to open up in the spaces in which they live and work.

What about aesthetics? How much of you are in your own home interiors?

You have no idea how much closer your home can become to you. To do this, you do not need to fill the entire space with objects that carry your memories. It is enough to add a few decorative elements that will become the quintessence of your picture of the world.

That's what we mean by co-authorship. And that is why we do not have dissatisfied customers. We painstakingly and thoroughly collect the cultural code of each client and create objects for him and for him. Accurate hits to taste and expectations are not magic and not a miracle. This is a serious study that we are conducting at the briefing stage.

Exactly the same logic works for commercial facilities and public spaces.

Could decor that we create Interesting question

On the one hand, technologically - yes. Each of our projects begins with the development of an author's artistic concept. And the author is the artist Leonid Kim. It turns out that our decor certainly belongs to art.

Moreover. Absolutely all the sculptors in our team go through a pretty tough selection process. The criteria are strict and quite subjective. We check both the skill level and the sense of beauty. Are they artists? Definitely.

On the other hand, art is always at a small distance from human life. The confirmed artistic value makes the art object unattainable. A painting by a modern artist hanging on the wall is still quite autonomous. It doesn't belong to a collector. It just becomes a component of his life.

We create a decor that fills your interior with aesthetics. At arm's length. Art that you can touch with your hands.

Yes, this will probably be the most accurate definition.

Despite the fact that the studio was founded by an artist and we really consider what we do to be art, we are doing business. This means that we are able to communicate with customers, build processes and are well aware of the value of customer service.

The key values in our communications with clients are transparency, partnership and quality


The whole production process is completely open. We are happy to answer all questions about materials and installation features — we consider this our popularization mission.


Our managers are well versed in the product and people, so they build high-quality deep communication with customers. And they speak the same language with architects, interior designers. And we also know how to communicate with brigadiers. An invaluable advantage.


Even if it is not our studio that is engaged in production, we conduct strict author's supervision of the process. There is a 1-year warranty on any of our facilities. During this time, they will pass the test of all four seasons, and if something goes wrong, we will fix everything for free and instantly.

All materials on this website are copyrighted (including design). It is prohibited to copy, distribute (including by copying to other sites and resources on the Internet) or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder. IP Isakov Vasily Sergeevich / INN: 331302030385 / OGRN: 320332800040187

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