
One image can be interpreted in different ways.

Just as a person lives the same events in different periods of his life in a new way, so the implementation of the same theme by an artist can give absolutely different results.

Previously, the image of the peacock had already appeared in our art, but in this work the nature of his image was rethought. For example, on the panel "Peacock and Deer" the bird was presented in art deco style: it was more chopped and had angular outlines.

Here I chose a different technique. We have bred a new breed — gentle, warm, harmonious. The outlines of the image are soft, calm and moderate. The bird is in mutual understanding with each element of the panel. Flowers, tree branches, a long ornate tail in the very center of the canvas — all this creates an image feminine and airy.

The clients for whom the peacock was made are real connoisseurs of art. They tenderly treat the artist and his work. This could not but affect the result, because the work in harmony is always harmoniously reflected on the panel.

In addition, the owners of the house are the owners of amazing taste. The house itself is aesthetically flawlessly verified. It has a lot of high-quality decor. The Spring Peacock Art is located on the technical floor, next to the cinema hall. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Even the floor intended for equipment and communications is not deprived of elements of high art.

The image of a peacock for the panel was not chosen by chance. The motif of this bird is present throughout the house. Our work has become an elegant finishing chord in the composition of the lower floor.

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